Alternate sources of energy are seeing a huge rise after that show aired…you know, the one about the family who have so much trouble trying to get a roofing person in to fix a few tiles, they eventually just give up and become a family of serial killers.
An Inconvenient Roof, that was it. Apparently the whole thing was a subtle metaphor for how nuclear power and coal burning is destroying the environment and the ozone layer, and how it’s causing people to lose hope and do violent things. Didn’t really pick up on any of that, I must admit. I’ll have to go back and watch again. At the very least I’ve done a bit of research on the matter, and I’ve decided that here in Melbourne, commercial energy monitoring being a trend means that we’re not all going to turn into serial killers. Not yet anyway.
I’ve seen a lot of post-apocalyptic stories, and people always seem to go a bit nuts after we run out of oil. Seriously, just hint that we’re running out of oil and suddenly it’s an invitation for everyone and their grandmother to dress in weird leather outfits with loads of spikes and drive around on massive motorbikes. Which ironically must be using a lot of oil. But with energy storage getting more efficient, bills going down and more alternatives to burning coal and oil on the horizon, we can stave off the collapse of society quite nicely.
Now I need to know more about commercial energy storage, because I’m still thinking of the concept as a huge battery behind someone’s home, and I don’t think it’s that. If the family in An Inconvenient Roof had something like that, would they still have gone crazy? Was the fact that the whole commercial energy storage thing was subtext mean that it’s all meaningless? Subtext is so hard to read, I swear.
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