Eye Need Renovations

The eye in Roger’s sink blinked up at him expectantly. Roger only pressed a hand to his face, scratching away at the thick brown moustache he was so familiar with. For the first time in as many decades as he could count on one hand, he was actually surprised. Maybe it was his severe lack … [Read more…]

Stuck Awning Window

https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1y5XNWgHqK1RjSZFP763wapXa0/227387154/HTB1y5XNWgHqK1RjSZFP763wapXa0.png_.webp This probably sounds extremely trivial, but the one thing that annoys me more than anything is the awning window in my bedroom that always gets stuck. It seriously takes me five minutes each morning to open my window and then five minutes each night to close it. My boyfriend, who doesn’t live with me, … [Read more…]

Project: Pizzaz

My friend Candice has forever got some epic project underway. Well, her projects always seem like a massive deal to me, but I get the feeling they’re not much to her. We’re talking things like launching an online store that sells bodybuilding supplements, travelling to Switzerland to speak at a global conference, having a nose … [Read more…]